Design and Implementation of Production Planning and Job Scheduling Method for Cold Rolling Line 冷轧生产计划与作业调度方法的设计与实现
Risk assessment on the working environment in connection with the job and design of safe job method appropriate to the work; 就有关工作的作业环境进行风险评估,并设计适合有关作业的安全工作方法;
Once initialization is complete, this client can be used to submit and start jobs ( startJob method), get the status of the running job ( getStatus method) and other operations. 初始化过程完成之后,我们就可以使用客户端提交并启动作业(startJob方法),获得正在运行的作业的状态(getStatus方法),以及进行其他操作。
Research on Multi-Layer Control Based Workshop Job Management Mode and Scheduling Method for Doors Manufacturing Industry 基于多层控制的门业制造企业车间作业管理模式及其调度方法研究
It proposes managerial job evaluation method based on the point-factor method and the interval analytic hierarchy process ( IAHP). 提出了基于因素计点法和区间层次分析法(IAHP)的管理类岗位价值评价方法;
A method should do only'one job '. Do not combine more than one job in a single method, even if those jobs are very small. 一个方法应该只做“一个任务”。即使任务都非常小,也不要把多个任务一起放到单个方法中。
Provide the detail job routing ( method and time), special tool, gauge, fixture number, note the important things on the job routing, afford the inspection data for measuring, if necessary. 提供详细工艺(方法和时间),特殊刀具、量具、夹具的编号,注明加工注意事项,提供必要数据协助其测数。
Dynamic Job Scheduling Method with Real-Time Production Information for Manufacturing Cell 采用实时生产信息的单元制造任务动态调度方法
A problem in the determination of instability constant of colored complexes by Job method 关于用Job法测定有色络合物不稳定常数中的一个问题
The key job method for solving m × n permutation schedule problems has two defects. One is that the condition is not given, so it affects the optimal extent. 关键零件法用于解m×n流水型排序问题时存在两点不足:一是没有给出适用条件,影响了优化程度;
A job shop real-time scheduling modeling method is presented based on S-rough sets ( singular-rough sets) theory. 基于S粗集理论(singularroughsets)提出了一种车间作业实时调度建模方法。
A more important contribution of the writer is the introduction of 360-degree Job Analysis Method and the application of this method in the Job Analysis to perfect the original job instructions. 更重要的是提出360度工作分析法并用此法对公司工作分析进行了再分析,完善修正了原工作说明书。
The experiments shows that the batch job scheduling method based on the improved any algorithm can lead to batter performance. 实验结果表明基于改进蚁群算法的批量任务调度方案可以获得更好的性能。
The improvement of key job method for m × n permutation schedule problems m×n流水型排序问题关键零件法的改进
This paper introduces the makeup, working theory, job method of the full self-motion digital underwater topometry system, and according to the engineering practicality, analyses the survey precision and the error source. 本文就全自动数字水下地形测量系统的组成、工作原理、作业方法进行了介绍,并根据工程实际,对其测量精度、误差来源进行了分析。
It contains three aspects: personal composite diathesis, psychology of job selecting and method of job seeking. 个人因素作为主观内在因素是影响大学生就业的关键因素,它包括个人综合素质、择业心理、求职方法等三个主要方面。
In replacement of traditional manual job control method, a computer real-time optimized regulation system is utilized. 用以取代传统的人工调度方法。
Milling decortication is a kind of job method for log disbarking machine. 铣削剥皮是原木剥皮机床的一种作业方式。
Composition of charge transfer complex is 1 ∶ 1 determined by the Job's method and the molar ratio method. 应用等摩尔连续变换法和摩尔比法测得荷移络合物的组成为1∶1,稳定常数为3.9×104。
In this paper, with introduction of microeconomics and genetic engineering knowledge, a job assignment method for grid computing is proposed, considering both time limit and cost simultaneously. 引入微观经济学与遗传工程知识,兼顾时限与成本,设计了一种网格中的作业分配方法。
At present and in not short future years, the eco-construction tasks are adjusting thought, transforming sense, and seeking new job method for erosion control at first. 当前及今后一段时期水土保持生态建设首先是调整工作思路,转变观念,用新的理念探索水保工作新方法。
Job Costing method is consist of four basic elements, namely resources, jobs, cost objects and cost drivers, the basic idea of job costing method is jobs consume resources, products consume jobs. 作业成本法由四个基本要素构成,即资源、作业、成本对象和成本动因,作业成本法的基本思想是作业消耗资源,产品消耗作业。
And give advices for perfecting Yiyang tobacco company logistics center distribution job management. Finally, brings forward the strategies and steps to implement the optimization scheme of Yiyang tobacco company logistics centre distribution job management and the method to appraise optimization scheme. 并提出了完善益阳烟草公司物流中心配送作业管理的建议;最后,提出了益阳烟草公司物流中心实施优化方案的策略与步骤和对优化方案进行评价的方法。
In this paper, as power enterprises an example, detailed implementation and application procedure of job costing method will be showed. 本文以发电企业为实例详细阐述作业成本法项目实施与应用全过程。
Rolling time windows based on the dynamic scheduling method has been more widely used in the job shop scheduling. This method fits for dynamic processing environment can cope well with a variety of anomalies occur in plant processing. 基于滚动时间窗的动态调度方法目前在车间作业调度中得到了越来越广泛的应用,该方法能够很好地应对车间加工中各种异常情况的发生,适用于动态加工环境。
On the basis of literature analysis, select a method of job evaluation as the basic method, and design an appropriate job evaluation method for public hospitals in China to their own characteristics. 在文献分析的基础上,选择一种岗位评价方法作为基本方法,设计适宜我国公立医院自身特点的岗位评价方法。
Specialized job analysis method, clarity civil service posts job duties, with the goal of combining management evaluation. 专门介绍工作分析的方法,明晰公务员岗位工作职责,与目标管理考核相结合。
This study discusses the relationship of the Middle school head teachers 'role conflict, job satisfaction, job burnout and job performance by using interview method and questionnaire investigation. 本文是关于中学班主任教师角色冲突、工作满意度、工作倦怠与工作绩效的关系研究。通过访谈和问卷做实证分析。
It will be a key job to combine the method in this paper with other methods for the remove of clutter in the wind profiling radar signals in the future. 将本文方法与其它方法结合去除风廓线雷达信号中的各种杂波,将是今后研究的重点。
Job costing method has been developed from a concept, establishment of the theoretical system to the application of business, and now it is much more mature and has withstood the challenges. 作业成本法从概念的提出,理论体系的建立,到实际应用于企业,其理论体系发展到现在已基本成熟,在实践中也经受住了种种考验。